Wednesday 22 May 2013

4.3 Student Induction images and videos

This post is a guidance for beginner students as part of the induction process.  Also the content can be used to practice directions for the exam and the images can be used to describe the college, also useful for exam practice.

Stduents will have to name and order the images after they've been on a tour. I will show this up on the projector and ask students to write or shout out the name of the places, then I will elicit the position of the places in the order they see them from the car park to reception.


These videos can be used in various ways.  This is one possible way:
Stduents will go on a tour of the college, then they will watch the videos without sound and try and predict what's been said, then they will watch and listen to check their answers and we will practice asking for and giving directions.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

4.3: Push Technology

Push Technology is a term similar in meaning as 'to subscribe'.  It means that internet users can have access to new information without looking for them.  They basically 'subscribe' to a particular channel or site and get alerts send to them about what's new.

Many websites have this feature, like messenger, sport results, email etc.

When we browse on the web and see this symbol (RSS Feeder) it means that the user can subscribe to a particular site and have information of their interest sent to them.

It can be accessed via PCs, laptops and smart phones.  The original Blackburry was the first to adopt such a system by allowing users to communicate and share messages through the web.

This is constantly updating depending on how many feeds to subscribe to and gives you news directly when you log on to your computer or access the reader icon on your phone.

Subscriptions work in the same way where you subscribe to various websites and instead of having it directly providing a feed for your blog the information gets sent to your email.
Twitter is a good exemple of Push Technonology.  Users subscribe to news feeds and with the push of a button can access all the posts.
There are many benefits to using this system in Education and I plan on using it to inform students of new posts on the Blog I set up for them to read and comment on.
Another way that this can be used in my discipline is to send videos, newspaper articles and English exrecises to students and allow them to access the material and hopefully increase students interest and enrich their learning experience.

Monday 22 April 2013

3.2: Pinterest

I made this page to share with my young learners.  On this page I'm hoping to encourage them to share pins with images of things they we interested in.

I think this can be a nice way to get to know each other better and hopefully through this I might be able to get ideas for lessons and focus them around topics of their interest.

The next step is to invite them and start sharing!


Sunday 21 April 2013

4.2 Inclusivity

4.2 Share multi-media content using an accessible online medium, taking account of issues of inclusivity
My issues here are related to accessibility as I do not teach ICT.  So, most of the e-materials I've been experimenting with have been limited to classroom delivery through the porjector and through worksheets.  
I find that some SS are happy to go home or to the library and try stuff but most students say they have no time or cannot use the computer well.  Therefore not all SS take advantage of the benefits available online.  However this reality is beginning to change and I'm hoping to slowly incorporate the web 2.0 in all my classes.

The issues which could affect the use of multimedia in the class are related to includitivity, however at present I do not have any disabled students. 

In this blog you will see examples of wikis and pinterests which have been created for sharing.  They are samples currently under development and as I am adapting and changing them as I see appropriate in order to use them with my learners.


4.1 Audioboo: Have you got what it takes?

This Audioboo will be used with my intermediate class. There are several ways in which this material can be used. It can be a listening activity or a dictation. However the tool can be used in many ways and I think it can be useful in my classes, so I will use it again.

The benefits of this tool are endless and students can create their own radio programmes, podcasts, audio diaries etc. Also I can send ss stuff and they can listen to them on their phones or in the class.

It is very easy to use and we can also easily share recordings with the whole class and beyond.


2.3 Quizlet: Personality

This is a quiz I created for a class on Quizlet.  This tool is amazing.  I'll definitely keep on using it in my class/lessons.
This one is about adjectives to describe personality.
The tool is so easy to use and it provides definitions and a variety of interesting materials within the topic of choice such as games, sounds etc.

1.3: implications of e-safety, inclusion and data protection

Using the web 2.0 in class is a fun and very effective way to deliver content and interact with students. However, teachers have got to pay particular attention to what students are accessing as some of the content is not appropriate. Therefore learning to use e-materials goes hand in hand with learning about the implications of e-safety, inclusion and data protection. Therefore Ofsted has developed a guide for teachers to follow and the 5 most important points are:

The five most important points summarised from the video are as follows;

1. The child's Act 2004 developed the ECM (Every Child Matters) framework that covers the welfare of a child up to the age of 19.

2. Each local area has the responsibility to set up a Local Safeguarding Children’s Board which can offer support and training to colleges. However, this is not obligatory so would need to be asked for.

3. OFSTED is the regulatory body responsible for assessing and monitoring the e-safety and safeguarding procedures, policies and impact within colleges. This came as a result of the Byron Review which recommended that OFSTED investigated the level of e-safety within colleges.

4. There are self-evaluation forms that colleges can complete in order to assess their current e-safety and safeguarding mechanisms and see if improvements need to be made in accordance with OFSTED's framework.

5. If OFSTED visit a college and deem that it has inadequate e-safety and safeguarding procedures, policies and impact then it can result in the overall grade being lowered.

Read more: